
Posts Tagged ‘Book Reviews’

One of Louise's favorite writing books

For today’s Tuesday 12 x 12, please welcome Louise Nottingham.  I love that one of Louise’s blogs focuses on poetry, as I am working on writing more poetry myself this year. I have no doubt you will one day be published and acclaimed! 🙂

The Adrenalin Of The Challenge!

Unpublished writer, unrecognized artist, wife, mother, grandmother, and woman of extreme silly imagination! I wonder if I can get that on the label of my urn? 😉  of course I will want to change ‘unpublished’ and ‘unrecognized’ to published and acclaimed! Fingers crossed everyone!

I have to say I don’t know how I stumbled onto the PiBoIdMo Challenge, but I think it must have been some chatter on my Facebook Wall.  I have over 300 ‘Facebook friends’ who are near and dear to me as well as being totally unknown and unmet! Most are writers and authors.  I do so love the book chatter that the authors share. When Tara Lazar started chatting about her past success with a Picture Book IDEA Month I was intrigued. Then when someone compared it to National Novel Writing Month, which I have started often but ‘won’ never (!), I thought “this is something I can do and win!”  I was right! I did it! Throughout the month I found that what I liked most was the accountability and encouragement of the other participants.

Years ago, a library coworker and I had poetry challenges every April (National Poetry Month) We did a poem a day challenge with each other via email each April.  After a couple of years, we expanded that challenge to a full year.  At the end of that year I was so pleased with myself and so grateful to her.  That’s how I feel today when I think of November. No longer is November the month of writing frustration, but the month of ‘idea’ success! I can hardly wait for next November.

Late into the November PiBoIdMo challenge, someone said that they challenged themselves, the year before, to complete one story a month to draft, I thought to myself, “I wish we had a similar support group for that!” THANKFULLY Julie Hedlund stepped up to be our facilitator and leader!

Because of the 12 x 12 in 2012 Challenge I have written daily.  I have been challenged with a marathon in February.  And in March I am going to flex my writing muscles to do a chapter a day (challenge) as well as writing at least one picture book!

Best of all I feel like I am making wonderful friends who have been so encouraging to me! I have been lucky enough to connect with someone in my area who invited me to her critique group, something I have missed after moving from my previous home in Florida.

Before I end I want to share what I have on my bookshelves. I own a large collection of picture books, and juvenile chapter books and a couple of young adult chapter books.  I also have many books on writing. I have books on writing plots. I have books on writing flash fiction. I have books on writing character. I have book on writing for children. I have books on illustrating the story. I have books on marketing your books. I have books on publishing and self-publishing books. And yes, all of these are plural: books!

If I have to pick three books specifically for children’s writing I would pick:

Children’s Writer’s Word Book.

Most of this book is just a children’s level thesaurus but in the first few pages it talks about how children read. It also suggests what words work best for what reading grade level.  I really like this feature. Although I used this more a few years ago than recently, it’s still one I would recommend be on all children’s writer shelves.

Writing With Pictures by Uri Shulevitz

This is on every illustrator’s shelf, but it should be on every picture book writer’s shelf. Especially if you are NOT an illustrator! On Facebook there is often dialog on what words to cut and how to ‘write for the illustrator’. Read this book and check out some of the books Uri uses as examples.  You will begin to get a feel for what is the writer’s job vs the illustrator’s job.

Writing Magic by Gail Carson Levine

Ok, Gail wrote this book for young writers my granddaughter’s age, but I love how she is able to talk about gathering your ideas and writing about them.  Many books for children are total fantasy with fairies and elves and dragons and she taps into that magic fantasy.

In closing, I hope you have enjoyed your time with me as much as I have enjoyed the past unpublished author Tuesdays.  I want to thank each of you for your encouragement! I wish each of ‘us’ luck in our writing pursuits!

And I have a couple of blogs I invite you to visit:

http://poeticlouise.blogspot.com/ Remember when I said I used to write a poem a day? Now it’s a haiku a week!

http://louisesblogtoday.blogspot.com/ Did I mention I was a children’s librarian for 5 or 6 years? During that time I started reviewing books on our shelves, which I liked, for our patrons.  This year I started wanting to keep track of what I read this year.  I am already behind on that, but I do post a few now and then, so stop by every once and awhile to see what I am reading.

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My new blogging friend, Coleen Patrick, let me in on this amazing giveaway sponsored by YA author Beth Revis.  Beth is giving away 19 books, and the one thing you have to do to enter is blog about one book you are grateful for and why.  Awesome right?

My first thought was, how on earth do I choose just one book?  But as quickly as I had the question, I already knew the answer.  Because A Prayer for Owen Meany is simply, “The One.”

First of all, forget the oft-quoted first sentences of Moby Dick and Pride and PrejudiceOwen has the best first sentence ever written.

“I am doomed to remember a boy with a wrecked voice–not because of his voice, or because he was the smallest person I ever knew, or even because he was the instrument of my mother’s death, but because he is the reason I believe in God.”

I ask you, how much more intrigue could you pack into a single sentence??

I have long believed that books choose their readers rather than the other way around.  How many times have you picked up and read a book at the exact right time for you to appreciate it or receive its message?  It’s happened to me more times than I can count, but it began with A Prayer for Owen Meany.

Here’s the Story

This is not the most modern cover, but it's the cover of the book I read almost 20 years ago

October, 1993:  I was living in England and attending graduate school.  I was also suffering from a common malaise – a broken heart.  This was not my first breakup, and it was not quite the last.  It was, however, the most painful as it involved a seminal relationship.

If you have experienced such a breakup of your own, I’m sure you can relate to my strategy for dealing with it: I kept myself as busy as humanly possible in order to leave no time to wallow in my misery.  The strategy worked well during the days and evenings, occupied as they were with graduate work.  At night, however, when the lights went out and I found myself alone in the dark – well, that’s another story.

So I did what any book lover would do.  At night, I read until I was so exhausted I couldn’t keep my eyes open anymore and could fall asleep without thinking.

I remember so clearly going to the bookstore in Coventry and plucking Owen off the shelf.  Owen was not at all typical of the type of books I was reading at that stage, but the title caught my eye.  Then I read that first sentence and was hooked.  Plus, the cover had an armadillo on it and I wanted to know why.

The night I started reading Owen, I stayed up until 3:00 in the morning.  At one point, I was laughing so hard I could barely breathe. (For those of you who’ve read the book, it was the ‘waterskiing with the cousins’ scene).  Little did I know that I would be crying equally as hard by the end of the book.

Owen is still one of the most original books I have ever read, yet its themes are grounded in the universal life questions: What makes a family? Does each person have a purpose and a destiny in life? Can we shape our own destiny or is it pre-ordained? How do the people in our lives change its course?  What is the relationship between faith and religion?  Between politics and religion?  Why can you eat two pounds of Chinese food and still be starving afterwards?

Okay I made that last one up, but the others are all there.

This book not only kept me company during those long nights, but it would forever change my view of reading and writing.  It’s fair to say that outside of the classics I had read for school, Owen was the first real taste I had of modern literary genius.  A book like no other.  A book that only one person could have written.  A book that would haunt you and keep you thinking about it years later.  A book that changes you from the inside out.  Those were the types of books I wanted to read from now on.  Those are the books I want to write (and yes, you can write books for children with all of those qualities).

Two years ago, I finally had the courage to read Owen again.  I was so afraid I would be disappointed, that it wouldn’t live up to my memory.  Well, I am happy to report I was wrong.  I enjoyed it even more the second time around because life experience has given me a whole new perspective on its themes.  The book is epic and brilliant and beautiful.  I know I will read it again.  And again.

P.S. If you want to see more of my favorite books, last year I wrote a post listing 200 of them.  You will find a very familiar cover on the post and A Prayer for Owen Meany in the #1 spot.

What is one book you are grateful for?

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I’ll get to the giveaway details in a moment, but first, the background:

The third meeting of the Margareaders was held last night.  The book of choice for this month?  Wolf Hall by Hilary Mantel.  I will be honest and say this book did not go over very well with the group.  Less than half of our members came to the meeting (not all because of the book – there were legitimate conflicts, illnesses and so on), and of those of us who participated, only two (myself included) made it past the halfway point.

Why the lackluster response when the book won the 2009 Man Booker Prize and bookstores can barely keep fictionalized accounts of the Tudor period in stock for their flying off the shelves?  Well, it’s a pretty cumbersome read.  The last time it took me this long to finish a book was when I read Anna Karenina, and the similarities don’t stop there.  As with Anna, I found myself constantly referring to the cast of characters because eight tenths of the people are named Thomas (in Anna it was Alexei or Nikolai).  Those that aren’t Thomas are named Henry or Edward.  Also, the material is pretty dense.  Mantel provides excruciating detail over events and settings you wish she’d just gloss over and get to the point already.  If I had not already immersed myself in the characters of this time period through other books and, okay I admit it, The Tudors series on Showtime, I’m pretty sure I would have given up well before reaching the halfway point.  Also, there’s the entertainment factor.  The Guardian said it best by describing Wolf Hall as a “non-frothy” historical novel.  In other words, this is not a historical bodice ripper.  If you’re looking for lustful scenes between King Henry and Anne Boleyn, best to pick up Philippa Gregory.  Mantel can run circles around Gregory in historical accuracy and scholarly writing, but Gregory wins hands down for the “fun factor.”  Finally, and this may be a nit-picky thing, the book is written in third-person present tense, which can be disorienting.  Mantel refers to “he” throughout the book.  Usually “he” referred to Cromwell, but since “he” (Cromwell) was almost always talking to other men, it was hard to keep it straight sometimes.

Having said all that, I did finish the book, and I’m glad I did.  The story of Henry VIII has been told from almost every angle except through the eyes of Thomas Cromwell, which is kind of amazing when you consider he was the architect of the king’s divorce from Katherine of Aragon and the reformation of the Church in England.  For that reason alone, I recognize Wolf Hall’s contribution to literature and feel it’s deserving of the awards it has received.  The writing (aside from the POV issue mentioned earlier) is superb and the character of Cromwell exceptionally drawn.  Again, The Guardian gets it right by saying, “Mantel persuasively depicts Thomas Cromwell as one of the most appealing — and, in his own way, enlightened — characters of the period.”

So, do you want the book?  If so, leave a comment anywhere on the blog between now and midnight (MDT) on Wednesday, April 14th OR tweet or retweet this post between now and then.  Every comment and/or tweet will count as an entry.  If you comment on a post other than this one, just put WH at the end of the post so I know you want it to count toward the giveaway.  I’ll announce the winner on Thursday morning, April 15th.  What a better way to spend the 15th than obsessing about taxes, right?

Read or own the book already?  Comment anyway!  Let us know what you thought of the book.  Did anyone else read Wolf Hall for a book club?  I’d be interested in knowing how it was received in other book clubs.

Meanwhile, have a great weekend everyone.

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I’m glad they came along.  I dedicate this post… to all the books I read last year.

I thought it would be simple and fun to do a “Year-in-Review” of my reading.  Like most projects, it started out manageable enough, but as I got going, it took on a life of its own.  First I decided to write a little blurb on each book.  Then I wanted to provide a link to my review if I had written one.  Finally, I decided to embed links to other information I mention in the blurbs that I thought you might find interesting (like foot binding in Snow Flower and the Secret Fan, for example).  Then I got all obsessive and had to test all the links to make sure they all led to the correct places.  Four days after I started, I’m finally finished!

I hope you enjoy this post and get some ideas for your own reading lists.  Also, I love book debates!  Let me know if you agree/disagree and why.  In the first list are the books I read for and to myself.  Next come the books I read aloud to Em.  I conclude with my Top 5 and Worst 5 of the year.  For those of you wondering whether Jay fell by the wayside, fear not!  I read endless numbers of picture books to him, but he has yet to develop the attention span for chapter books.  If I listed all of the picture books I read to both kids, it would be 2011 before I finished the list.

Happy Reading to All, and to All a Good Book!

Books I read in 2009, in the order I read them

1.  The Book Thief by Markus Zusak – My first and favorite read of 2009.  Review is here.  Last Christmas, my husband gave me a spa package.  I was very close to finishing this book on the day I went.  I only had about 20 more pages to go.  I loved this book so much that I actually contemplated taking it into the aromatherapy tub with me.  Now that is what I call a good book!

2.  The Heretic’s Daughter by Kathleen Kent – I was very excited to get this book, which took place during the time of the Salem Witch trials.  Unfortunately it was only “okay.”

3.  The Coffee Trader by David Liss – Historical fiction that takes place during the development of “futures trading” on the commodities exchange in Amsterdam in the 17th century.  Liked the history more than the characters in the book.  Review is here.

4.  Colorado Gardener’s Companion by Jodi Torpey – useful resource, and I need all the help I can get!

5.  Eclipse by Stephenie Meyer – Unless you’ve been living under a rock for the past few years, you must be familiar with the Twilight series.  After going into Edward withdrawal during the second book – New Moon (I am so Team Edward!), I was relieved to have him front and center again in Eclipse.

6.  Snow Flower and the Secret Fan by Lisa See – This book is like a secret window into the lives of women in the late nineteenth century rural China.  The poetic story chronicles the lives of two women of very different backgrounds who, according to the custom of the day, become “sworn sisters.”  Their fortunes reverse quite drastically after they get married.  I loved the surrounding history of this book, such as how women defied the prohibition against them learning to write by developing a secret Nu Shu (women’s) writing.  I sat gape-jawed as I read in gruesome detail about the practice of foot binding (do not look at pictures of this unless you have a strong stomach!).  Although it is a very different story (not to mention country), it has echoes of Memoirs of a Geisha.  Highly recommended.

7.  Breaking Dawn by Stephenie Meyer – I liked the ending, but was still left wanting more.  What can I say?  I’m a total Twitard.  Anyone know when Midnight Sun is going to be published???

8. The Read Aloud Handbook by Jim Trelease – Excellent resource and surprisingly easy read about the wonders and importance of reading out loud to children.  Trelease includes many additional resources to draw upon after you’ve finished the book.

9. Burning Bright by Tracy Chevalier – Story surrounds a circus set in late-19th century London.  William Blake is thrown in.  Booooooring.

10. Canvey Island by James Runcie – Got an advance reader’s copy via LibraryThing Early Reviewers program.  Liked it.  Here is my review.

11. Illuminata by Marianne Williamson – For people (like me) who don’t know how to pray because you don’t know what to say or how to do it, this book is very helpful and beautifully written.

12. The Lace Reader by Brunonia Barry – My very short review says all I can say about this book other than: read it!  Here is the review.

13. The Tales of Beedle the Bard by J.K. Rowling – Pretty forgettable compared to the Harry Potter series itself.

14. Anna Karenina by Leo Tolstoy – YES! I finally read one of the great Russian novels.  Once I figured out all of the 85 names that each character was called, I found it very enjoyable.  This is definitely not a book that should be inflicted on young adults though.  I think you need to experience major loss, guilt and regret in order to truly understand the book.

15. Love and Other Natural Disasters by Holly Shumas – Ordinary chick-lit.  No better, no worse.

16. The Blind Assassin by Margaret Atwood – My first Atwood ever.   Took some getting used to at first due to the sci-fi plot within the overall plot, but it was fabulous!

17. Nineteen Minutes by Jodi Picoult – A not at all believable story, even as fiction, of a school shooting similar to Columbine.  Normally I’m a big Picoult fan, but this one fell short.

18. Lunch Lessons by Ann Cooper – A new kind of lunch lady!  Chef Ann Cooper (aka – Renegade Lunch Lady) is transforming the school lunch programs in dozens of communities around the country, including our own here in Boulder.  The book is an important manifesto on how we owe it to our children to feed them wholesome, nutritious, minimally processed foods heavy on fresh produce, whole grains and lean protein.  Imagine having a salad bar in your school!  My daughter does, and she’s only in first grade.

19. A Prayer for Owen Meany by John Irving – If I could take only one book with me to a desert island, this would be the one.  I re-read it this year for the first time in 15 years and loved it just as much, if not more, as I did the first time.

20. The School of Essential Ingredients by Erica Bauermeister – Fun book about a group of people taking a cooking class.  Review is here.

21. The Life Room by Jill Bialosky – I like Bialosky’s writing, but she’s focused far more on character development than plot, so take heed.  The story is basically of a female mid-life crisis with flashbacks aplenty and doesn’t really “end.”  Bialosky is a “writer’s writer.”  Read it for the writing and not the story, if you are so inclined.

22. The Four Agreements by Don Miguel Ruiz – Very simplistic review of the ancient Toltec Wisdom teachings.

23. The Last Bridge by Teri Coyne – Could not put this book down.  Review is here.

24. Fortune’s Daughter by Alice Hoffman – Hoffman’s usual mix of beautiful writing and magical realism – very enjoyable.

25. Gods Behaving Badly by Marie Phillips – If you remember anything of your Greek Mythology you must read this hilarious, yet intellectual book.  Little did we know that the Gods (and Goddesses) are still alive, somewhat well and living in London, although their powers are greatly diminished.  Then a trivial dispute between Apollo and Aphrodite escalates and two very ordinary humans caught in the crossfire need to muster the courage to save the world.  So funny!  One of my favorite books of the year.

26. The Pirate’s Daughter by Margaret Cezair-Thompson – Tells the story of a fictional lover of movie star/swashbuckler Errol Flynn (as in “in like Flynn”) and her (fictional) daughter by him.  Loved the lush Jamaican setting.

27. The Angel’s Game by Carlos Ruiz-Zafon – Zafon’s Shadow of the Wind blew me away, so I was a little nervous about reading The Angel’s Game for fear it would disappoint.  Needlessly worried as it turns out.  Here is my review.

28. Siddhartha by Herman Hesse – If this was your first exposure to Buddhist philosophy in the sixties, I can see how it would be revolutionary.

29. Innocent Traitor by Alison Weir – Fictionalized account of the life of Lady Jane Grey by a premier Tudor historian.  Well worth the read.

30. Mistress of the Art of Death by Ariana Franklin – Fascinating story about a female “forensic pathologist” in the time of Henry II of England, but unfortunately I can’t recommend the book due to what I felt was gratuitous violence against animals.  Here is my full review.

31. Middlesex by Jeffrey Eugenides – I don’t know too many authors who could wield the story of a hermaphrodite of Greek ancestry growing up in Detroit in the time of the race riots and make it work, but Eugenides does.  The book is Homeric in style and scope, covering three generations of an immigrant family.  In the process, he creates one of the most sympathetic characters in American literature.  Need I say more?  Well, I will.  Having grown up in (Northern) Michigan, I loved reading about Detroit in its heyday.  I’ve only ever known it as the armpit of America, so it was nice to see another side of its story.

32. The Science of Self-Healing by Dr. Vasant Lad – A lovely woman I met recommended this book to me as an introduction to the ancient Indian Ayurveda healing system.  I’m very open-minded, but when I got to the section about enemas and bloodletting, I decided it wasn’t for me.

33. Garden Spells by Sarah Addison Allen – In a word: delightful.

34. Perfect Life by Jessica Shattuck – An excerpt from my review: “…(I)f I want to listen to a bunch of thirty-something disillusioned white people from mostly privileged backgrounds blather on about how much their lives suck, their marriages are stale and how nothing turned out the way they thought it would, I’ll just get together with my friends and drink a few margaritas.”  The full review is here.

35. The Robber Bride by Margaret Atwood – Diabolical woman goes around befriending women then snatching their men.  Very good book.

36. The Guernsey Literary and Potato Peel Pie Society by Mary Ann Shaffer – There isn’t much I could add to the heaps of praise this book has already received except to say that it is well deserved.  Guernsey is a treat from start to finish.

37. Sister Bernadette’s Barking Dog: The Quirky History and Lost Art of Diagramming Sentences by Kitty Burns Florey – Amusing book for people like me who actually enjoyed diagramming sentences in school.  Here is my review.

38. The Virgin Blue by Tracy Chevalier – Haunting story that toggles between the connected lives of a present-day woman and a woman of 16th century rural France.  The only one of Chevalier’s books that even comes close to Girl With a Pearl Earring.

39. Prayers for Sale by Sandra Dallas – “So-so” tale of life in Breckenridge in the late 19th-century mining days.

40. Handle with Care by Jodi Picoult – Here Picoult takes on the controversial subject of “wrongful birth” lawsuits.  The main characters are parents of a daughter with brittle bone disease (osteogenesis imperfecta).  Better than some of her more recent books, but not up to the standard of My Sister’s Keeper.

41. Grayson by Lynne Cox – Very mediocre writing telling the true, incredible story of a teenage competitive swimmer who helped a baby gray whale find it’s mother in the open ocean.

42. A New Earth by Eckhart Tolle – I try to read either this or The Power of Now once a year.  Here is a review I wrote in 2008.

43. My Life in France by Julia Child – If you are a Francophile, love cooking, love Julia Child, loved the movie Julie & Julia or all of the above, then you must read this book.  One of the best memoirs/armchair travel books I’ve ever read because I loved all of the subject matter (and the subject!).

44. Guernica by Dave Boling – Harrowing novel providing an account of the unprovoked German attack of a tiny Basque village prior to WWII.  This massacre was the inspiration for Picasso‘s mural of the same name.  Here is my full review.

45. Watch Over Me by Christa Parrish – Hated it.  Here is my review.

46. Barrel Fever by David Sedaris – Sedaris does it again in this audio book.  As with all of his essay collections, some are funnier than others, but the funny ones are FUNNY.  What I always say about Sedaris: “If he weren’t gay and I weren’t married, it could totally happen between us…”  🙂  I made him laugh when I met him in person, and I’m still starstruck over that moment!

47. High Tide in Tucson by Barbara Kingsolver – Kingsolver is one of my favorite authors, but I’ve decided I like her fiction better than her essays and nonfiction, which can sometimes get too preachy.

48. The Stepmother by Carrie Adams – Excellent sequel to The Godmother by the same author.  Chick-lit at its very finest.

49. The Fiction Class by Susan Breen – Meh.  Here is my review.

50. Spontaneous Recognition, Discussions with Swami Shambhavananda – This book was in the room at the yoga retreat center I went to this fall.  Here’s the gist:  Meditate.  Meditate more.  Meditate every day.  Meditate several times a day.  Keep meditating.  The end.

51. Olive Kitteridge by Elizabeth Strout – I fell in “like” with this book, but did not adore it to the extent that nearly everyone else in the world did.  It would not have been my pick for the Pulitzer Prize, that’s for sure.  Here is my review.

52. Jane Eyre by Charlotte Bronte – Jane, oh Jane!  How didst thou elude me for so many years???  I read Jane Eyre for the first time this year, and it instantly catapulted onto my all-time favorite list.  The best way to read it is sitting by the fire on a gloomy day with a cup of tea.

53. The Last Lecture by Randy Pausch – If you were able to give one more speech, knowing that you would die of cancer within six months, what would you say?  Read Pausch’s poignant version and reconnect with gratitude.

54. The Power of Giving: How Giving Back Enriches us All by Azim Jamal and Harvey McKinnon – A book with a powerful message: the more you give, the more you receive (focuses on all types of giving – not just monetary).

55. The Comfort of Strangers by Ian McEwan – Very creepy, expertly written noir thriller. Review is here.

56. Parenting with Love and Logic by Foster Cline and Jim Fay – Excellent techniques for raising responsible kids in a conflict-free environment.  The only problem is that you have to execute the techniques without losing your temper.  Suffice it say I’m still working on that…

57. In Hovering Flight by Joyce Hinnefeld – Explores the fragile balance between passions: for family, work, art, causes.  Very good debut novel.

58. Life After Death by Deepak Chopra – Although I am intrigued by his work, after my third attempt to read one of his books, I have to learn to just say “no” to Chopra.

59. People of the Book by Geraldine Brooks – Incredible story of a rare illuminated Haggadah that goes backward in time from the present day to its creation, each segment revealing more about the book’s history.  These segments are interspersed with the investigation conducted by Hanna, the modern-day book restorer.  Very difficult to put down once you start!  Excellent.

60. The Necklace by Cheryl Jarvis – What happens when thirteen very different women go in together to buy a $14,000 diamond necklace?  Find out in this true account of their story.

61. So Brave, Young, and Handsome by Leif Enger – Louis L’Amour meets Mark Twain meets Cervantes meets Homer. Yet, Leif Enger’s voice remains his own. The kind of writing that makes my toes tingle (e.g. “He talked like a deaf mute distrustful of the cure.”) Not up to the standard of Peace Like a River, which was my favorite book of 2008, but a great read all the same.

62. Franny and Zooey by J.D. Salinger – Franny is a female Holden Caulfield.  Zooey is her brother.  Nice to meet you guys!

63. Traveling Mercies: Some Thoughts on Faith by Anne Lamott – I can’t say enough about Anne Lamott’s essay writing.  I’ve never met the woman (obviously), but there are times when I’m just cringing with embarrassment for her at the same time as I’m admiring her courage for stripping down to reveal the worst parts of herself only to enable her golden strengths to shine through.  She is also damn funny!  Only she could write this sentence: “I thought such awful thoughts that I cannot even say them out loud because they would make Jesus want to drink gin straight out of the cat dish.”  So I laugh out loud.  Then I cry when I read this one: “It’s so different having a living father who loves you, even someone complex and imperfect.  After your father dies, defeat becomes pretty defeating.  When he’s still alive there are setbacks and heartbreak, but you’re still the apple of someone’s eye.”  You would be hard pressed to find truer writing.

64. A Great and Terrible Beauty by Libba Bray

65. The White Queen by Philippa Gregory – A book about the Plantagenets and the War of the Roses that focuses on Edward IV and his wife, commoner Elizabeth Woodville.  They were the parents of the ill-fated Princes in the Tower.  Not incidentally, their oldest daughter (also named Elizabeth) married Henry Tudor VII and became the mother of head-chopper Henry VIII.  All I can say is I would not have wanted to live in England at any period of time prior to the 1950s.  Although it dragged at the end, I thought Gregory was back on form after a couple of duds.  It definitely made me want to read more about this period of English history.

66. Dear American Airlines by Jonathan Miles – Anyone who travels frequently will belly laugh at least once while reading this very original book.  Word of warning though: it’s often funny but even more often sad and depressing.  For such a slight book, it seemed interminable at times to me.  How long can you read about one screwed-up guy’s life?

Books I read aloud to Em

1. Ramona the Brave by Beverly Cleary – VERY much fun to revisit one of the favorite characters of my girlhood.

2. Beezus and Ramona by Beverly Cleary – Ditto above.

3. Freddy the Pilot by Walter R. Brooks – If you have never read any of the Freddy the Pig books, please please do!  Freddy (detective, poet, newspaperman, banker, pilot and celebrity pig) and his barnyard crew are the farm version of The Bobbsey Twins.  Freddy is just special, but because these books were written in the nineteen thirties and forties, not enough children are reading them today even though the whole series has recently been reissued.  Give yourself the gift of Freddy!

4. Leaping Beauty by Gregory Maguire – Maguire is most famous for his adult versions of reinterpreted fairy tales, such as Wicked and Confessions of an Ugly Stepsister.  Here he takes an incredibly comic turn at recasting the characters in fairy tales for children.  The resulting collection is hilarious for both kids and adults.  Our favorite was Goldifox and the Three Chickens.

5. The Wizard of Oz by L. Frank Baum – Speaking of the Wicked Witch of the West, we picked up the original version of Oz this summer.  This is one of the very few instances where I saw the movie (probably dozens of times) before reading the book, so I was very attached to the movie version of the story.  The book is far less scary than the film and therefore more appropriate for younger children.  I found it a little dull without the constant ominous presence of the witch though, and I’ll probably never recover from the fact that the “slippers” in the book are silver!  One bonus: I got a lot more out of Wicked after reading the original since it’s obvious Maguire’s version is based on the book – not the movie.

6. James and the Giant Peach by Roald Dahl – One of my favorite childhood books, it was so rewarding to see how much Em fell in love with this book.  Every night she was begging me to read “just one more chapter.”

7. Freddy Goes Camping by Walter Brooks – Another Freddy the Pig, we started this one before we took our first family camping trip.  We read some chapters in the car on the way, around the campfire that night and in the car again on the way home.  One of my favorite Freddy books.

8. Charlie and the Chocolate Factory by Roald Dahl – Another childhood favorite.  When Em realized that the Willy Wonka’s Factory was only a few blocks from Charlie’s house, she said, “What kind of an adventure is that?!?”  Her tune changed quickly once the tour started!

9. Fantastic Mr. Fox by Roald Dahl – I hadn’t read this as a child, so it was a treat to share it with Em before the movie came out (which we still haven’t seen).

10. Meet Molly by Valerie Tripp – An American Girl story.  What can I say?  Em loved it.

11. Molly Learns a Lesson by Valerie Tripp – Ditto above.

Plus many, many Magic Tree House and Junie B. Jones books!

Top Five of 2009 – in order

1. The Book Thief by Markus Zusak

2. Jane Eyre by Charlotte Bronte

3. Gods Behaving Badly by Marie Phillips

4. Middlesex by Jeffrey Eugenides

5. The Angel’s Game by Carlos Ruiz Zafon

Worst Five of 2009 – in order

1. A Great and Terrible Beauty by Libba Bray

2. Watch Over Me by Christa Parrish

3. Perfect Life by Jessica Shattuck

4. Life After Death by Deepak Chopra

5. Burning Bright by Tracy Chevalier

Now that this is finished, I can get going on my 2010 list! Happy New Reading Year everyone!!  🙂

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